Friday, November 26, 2010

Can You Believe IT!? RM10 In only 10moths!

Hello! Nice meeting you again. I missed a whole day of blogging just for a load of craps. So don't mind me, I'm a little bit irritated. Huahuahua. Anyway, at first I felt slightly irritated but after I've found a blog that actually teaches you how to make as much phone calls and smss as you wish in 10 months time, I felt a little bit happier. I found it from momoii corner, so do pay a visit to this wonderful blog. So what do you think about the idea of only using 10ringgit for thousands and thousands of phone calls and smss in 10 months? Cool arrr??,,

And how fortunate, I'm going to teach you how you can set your phone to that such wonderful setting. So if I'm not mistaken(I'm trying to memorize what did momoii corner say). Firstly, she said that she knew this from an aunty that actually used to work at System Development Telecom. So she knows every bit of detail about crossing accounts. And she told her, never ever try to do this more than 3 times or else the system will automatically know and block your number.

So about the timing, you should do this maybe around the end of the month at around 3 a.m. because around this time, the system is  actually under maintenance. So there will be some loopholes.

The steps:-
  1. Firstly, of course you have to buy the top up, RM10.
  2. Then, you have to write < ** REC 10 >, and send it to 09901.
  3. Afterward, you'll then receive a message, containing 6 digits, serial number. Don't forget to jot it down.
  4. Then, type < ** REC 10> <123456> <
  5. Then, you'll get a reply supposedly saying like this "PUT YOUR TOP UP NUMBER". so you have to write your topup digits number that you have buy. Example : <01234567891023> and send to 09903.
  6. And lastly you'll receive a reply saying:- "Do you think this company is yours!? Do you think you can actually use RM10 for the rest of your life??? Even going into a toilet you have to pay 20 sen. WTF!"
And that's the story which momoii corner wrote. She even said sometimes you may even get some more harshly reply that can even make you shed some tears. Huahuahua. Thanks to MOMOII CORNER for this lovely story do visit her blog. Thanks. PEACE OUT!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

[Single] T-ara - Why Are You Being Like This (왜 이러니)

Hello!. My favourite group, T-ara has finally released their singles which is 'why r u being like this'. I love this song so much because I'm actually their fanatic. Hehe... I've put their song in this blog so that you can experience the T-ara vibe. At first, you might think this song is not that interesting but when you got to really hear it, you will notice that this song is good.

T-ara actually used to be a-six-people-group but early this year, their company decided to add one more person and T-ara is now a seven-people-group. At first, I have to be honest, I was a little bit hesitant about the idea but this song has changed my point of view completely. I think, all the girls in this group are 'hot'. This song is quite catchy and this song has already became a hit in Korea.

Below is their song if you want to download it. Hope you like it.

[Single] T-ara - Why Are You Being Like This (왜 이러니)
This link is actually provided by

So that's all. I hope you're not bored with this entry post. I hope you'll like it. Do leave a comment about this song. Thanks. Bye! Peace out!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Making Your Own 3D SPECTACLES!

Hello! I'm back here again and ready to write an entry. As I promised earlier, I'll going to teach you, how to make your own 3D spectacles without the need to go to the store and buy it as 3D spectacles are really hard to find, nowadays. You have to follow the steps precisely so that you wouldn't make any mistakes when doing this. This is actually easy to do and fun to make so lets try it.

  • 2 cellophane papers ( 1 Blue and 1 Red )
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Your computer
  • A Printer
  • A4 paper ( Any colour you want )
(The template)

    • You have to first print out the template above which is provided by HTH ( DO VISIT THIS BLOG ) on an A4 paper or a thin sheet of white cardboard that had already been sliced into the size of A4 paper.
    • Cut the template.
    • Then cut out one piece of each of the red and blue cellophane papers a little bit larger than the hole of the eyes in the spectacles.
    • Next, tape the red and blue cellophane papers. And make sure that you remember to tape the cellophane paper exactly on their own side which is already been coloured.
    • And for you who don't know what is a cellophane paper is, cellophane paper is actually a clear and see-through sheet of plastic paper.
    • Lastly, fold the flaps on the earpieces and tape or glue to the glasses. You should fold the flap to their right way as shown in the picture below:-

    ( Follow the exact steps. The BLUE cellophane is for your right eye and the RED cellophane is for your left eye. )

    The example of the finished one.

    Your are officially done! Now you can relax yourself and enjoy the 3 dimensional view at your own computer. For your information, this type of 3D is actually called an ANAGLYPH 3D. The 3D that is used in the cinema is called POLARIZATION 3D which  uses a different kind of spectacles. So don't try to use this anglyph 3D spectacles in the cinema because it won't work. But I discovered, there is some cinema that is still using anglyph 3D.

    Enough of that, now you can try on your spectacles by searching some 3D pictures on the internet. Just googler the picture by typing the word 'anaglyph pictures'. Or you can find some wonderful 3D video on YOUTUBE. Just type the some word but instead of picture, you have to replace it with video. And I want to credit this entry  completely to HTH. Please visit this blog. There's tons of wonderful stuffs that you might enjoy. See you again. Bye! Peace out!

      Monday, November 22, 2010


      Hello.! Nice meeting you again. Actually, today I am again living to another boring life. Today was supposed to be my outing day with my friend but unfortunately, one of my friends canceled it because of some personal reasons. But for me the plan must go on so I decided to postpone this plan until tomorrow. Wehee..! And I've made sure that he will be going tomorrow. Huhu.

      So I'm going outing maybe around 10a.m. sharp. tomorrow So, no more sleeping late at night for me as I've to wake up early tomorrow. Hopefully, I can sleep well tonight but of course before I go to sleep, I'll make sure that I've done updating this blog. So today, to summarize it all up, it was a very boring day, I don't have any interesting thing to do. Huhu.. But my 3D anaglyph spectacles just arrived yesterday. now I can enjoy myself to watching lots of 3d movies. 

      Actually, I've already tried watching some video. And it totally worked! It was completely astounding. I've already watched 3D movies before but it doesn't work at all. But today, it has totally change my point of view from how phony can 3D be to 3D is real. Huhu. And did you know that Co-Ed -has released the first 3d music video for their company? You can try to watch it on youtube. Just search for Co-Ed - Too late MV 3D. And then it will  give some results so you have to choose wisely.

      But first you'll need a pair of spectacles that you can get from any craft shops or you can try to do it yourself. Maybe tomorrow, I'll teach how to make your own 3D spectacles. 

      This is what my spectacles looks like. So maybe tomorrow I'll teach how can you make your on 3D spectacles.

      I think, that's all for now. C U next time. Bye! Peace out!

      Sunday, November 21, 2010

      Orange Caramel - A~ing Second Mini Album

      So I'm back! I hope that I have made your day be reading all of  my crazyyy posts.  And as for this post, I would love you to meet with a very cute group call Orange Caramel.  Orange Caramel is actually the sub-group for After School. This would be their second mini album. 

       From my point of view, I think, their songs are quiet catchy. This group consists of three beautiful Korean girls. Actually, I'm not really in the mood to introducing them one by one to all of you. SORRY. But if you want to know more about this group, you can try to google it, okay. 

      So as you can see, below is their second mini album entitled A~ing. I've put it there so that you can try to hear and download their new album. But if you aren't intrigued enough, you can always try to watch it online first. So I've made your work easier by already providing you, youtube. Enjoy!

      ORANGE CARAMEL - A~ing

      {TRACK LIST}

      01.A~ing Heart 3:28
      02.One Love 3:22
      03.Yet... 3:31
      04.Standing Here 3:40
      05.A~ing Heart (Instrumental) 3:28

      (And by the way, this download link is provided by So if you want to find some more other korean stuffs, try to visit that website)

      {This is the official Orange Caramel music video which is A~ing. It's a very cute song so I think, the girls would really like to hear something like this. Enjoy!}

      Okay that's all for now. See you next time. Bye.By the way, please don't mind my english. Haha... Peace out!

      Saturday, November 20, 2010

      Organizing is the key to success!

      Nice meeting u again. I hope you've enjoyed reading my blog all this while. As the title suggests, I am actually trying to organize my life so that it would be more punctual and organized. I am heading for better future. So the first thing that I'm going to organize is my email. Email is actually a very important tool. So I've decided that I'm going to use three emails.

      This email is merely for fun. What I meant by that is, this email is for entertainment use only like facebook, yahoo messenger and other sites that I used. So if I get an email for one of the applications, I will instantly delete all of my emails in the mailbox. This would be a much easier job for me and besides I don't want any of my important stuffs to be sent to this email because it would be a hefty work for me to search all of my emails.

      As you can see, this email is far shorter than my first email because actually I've made my first email when I was 12 years old maybe, so I still didn't know that long emails would be really annoying. And as for this email, I've made it about a year ago when I started blogging. So the first priority of this email is actually for blogging only.I will only use this email for blogging purposes only and some other applications that are related to blogging.

      Actually this email is my newest email. I've just made it maybe about two hours ago. So this email is for my important stuffs only. Not for fun, no spams and no applications what so ever. This email is actually for formal uses and It would be much easier for me to use this email as it would not get mixed up with unimportant emails. Besides, it would be an easier task for me to delete the unwanted emails. So anything that is related to family, education or maybe someday if I was to apply for a job, I'll use this email.

      Okay. Thanks for spending your time reading my post. Hope to see u next time. Till then, bye! Peace out!

      Friday, November 19, 2010

      I want that!

      Hello! I hope everyone is fine and as for me, nothing different, fine as always. So actually, when I was thinking about my PMR result, I suddenly sparked an idea. The idea was actually if I were to ace my PMR, I'll try to persuade my father into buying a new mobile phone for me.

      Actually, I have the money but it isn't enough for me to have the mobile phone that I've dreamt for a long time now. The lucky mobile phone would be sony ericsson vivaz. Nothing can stop me for achieving my dream which is to have that phone. I'll try my hardest to collect some money so that I can buy it.

      And that's why I want to maybe persuade my father a little bit into giving me some money after I ace my PMR. I hope so or else I'll get stomp by my dad a few million times if I don't ace my test. Finger crossed that I'll get what I dream. Okay, below is my future handset and if you want to know more about this phone, you can try to visit the site that I've put below:-

      ...My DREAM phone...

      For futher information please visit this site>>>

      Okay bye. See you next time. Peace out!

      Thursday, November 18, 2010


      HeYO! Nice meeting you again. I hope everyone had a great day today. As for me, same-o same-o. Nothing special. Actually, today, I was planning to go to KELANTAN, the best place ever, where my granny lives but my parent cancels it. WHAT A SHAME...~ But it's not the end of everything because my mother agrees that she, I mean, we are going to Kelantan tomorrow! Wohooo!

      Tomorrow, I can finally breathe some fresh air. Besides, Kelantan is also known for its paddy field. But don't ever try to play in paddy field alone! It may seem calm but below the surface, it is full of creatures and if we were to be lucky, we can also see some snakes, gliding happily on the surface. Haha. Eventhough, my father is originally from Kelantan, then he moved to Terengganu, he never ever tries to bring me to the paddy field. I don't know why but it's a good thing! LOL.

      For your information, my father has left my mother yesterday. NOT LIKE SEPARATED. I meant to say that my father has already went to Kelantan yesterday, leaving me and my mother alone at home. The plan was to bring my father to the bus station for his trip to granny's house and the next day, me and my mother will go to Kelantan with our car so that we can fetch him later.

      Unfortunately, my mother felt a little bit sick so she decided to cancel the trip. But, but, she said that she are going tomorrow. And that's the real story. Fuhhhh~ *sigh*... So, nothing special about today. Wish me good luck that nothing is going to ruin my plan, OKAY? Thanks for spending your time reading my post. So see you next time..! Bye!~ PEACE OUT!

      Tuesday, November 16, 2010

      School is finally out!!!

      Wohoo! Yesterday was the last day of schooling. Now, I can go on a holiday with my beloved family. This is going to be a very fun day for me. But actually tomorrow I've to go to my grandmother's house as I have to celebrate eid adha with my family there. I think, it is still going to be a whole bunch of fun.

      I can meet with my relatives. Watch lots of wonderful shows on the TV. And watch cows being "decapitated" which is our tradition. NO, NO, NO! It's not like what you think. Not like you smash the cow's head and it will break into two, nor we use an axe to cut the cow's throat.

      We just use some normal knife and slowly cut the cow's throat but actually the cow will only feel a little bit of pain and then the cow will be dead. Then we can cook and eat the cow. It is our tradition to cut the cow into parts and give the parts away to other people. This is not only good for one's social life, it can also bring our friends closer. This is a wonderful event!

      As for today, there's nothing special actually but having a fight with my cat. He doesn't understand me anymore. So, other than that, today is a normal day which I have nothing to do. Okay I think I've updated enough and hope to see you next time. Bye. PEACE OUT!

      Monday, November 15, 2010


      Helloo. actually I'm having some problem sleeping. Nowadays, My head isn't "functioning" that well this few days. Maybe drinking coffee every night is not a good idea after all. Huhu... So I don't have anything to do right now but to watch TV and there's nothing interesting. So, I think all of this problems started when I had a hard decision to make on what type of carrier will I venture in to.

      Actually, when I was a little boy, I always wanted to invent stuffs so maybe I wanted to be an inventor. But as I grew older, my interest just changed drastically when I decided to be a scientist. Yeah! a scientist. When I was like 10 to 12 years old, I started to take interest in science. So from that day I decided to be a scientist.

      But now, my family told me to be a doctor because this job pays you real money, I mean big $$$. Hehe. Actually, I don't really mind about the salary, I just really want a job that suite me and I'll enjoy every minute of working in that job. But for now, I think, I'll stick to being a scientist or maybe I'll follow on my sisters' footsteps to be an engineer. Arghhh! I think, I'm going to loose my mind right now.

      Wow! Look at the time, I think I really need to be sleeping now. So bye bye.. And last but not least, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ARA! May her have a long and happy life. AMEN. PEACE OUT!

      Sunday, November 14, 2010

      ~Cheerful Memories~

      These past few days have really been tiring for me but at the same time, I enjoyed doing it. A few days ago, my class held an awesome farewell party. It was so fantastic that it had made my life more cheerful. But I'm still tired after all the things that are going on with my life. So I decided to the farewell party entry in my next post and of course with lots of pictures.

      After the farewell party, my friends, Ara and Ainul held their birthday party at Mac donald and it was out of this world. I had a blast there. Actually I had a hard time finding them presents as I'm not really good at choosing things. But thanked god, my mom had given me a hand by "donating" two of her glasswares to me as the presents for my friends. And I hope they'll like it. Haha. But the wrapping wasn't that good. Hehe. Sorry guys, I'd to rushed things so I just wrapped it untidily. But I hope you’ll like the ribbon though. I add them as the finishing touch. Haha.

      So at the birthday party, I was at first feeling not very well because I had a problem sleeping these few days but after arriving to the party I suddenly felt well again. Maybe, my body just playing tricks on me. Haha. Who cares, as long as I had a wonderful time at the party. There we ate and played some games and I sucked at all of them. One of the games required me to work in a group and how unfortunate because I had made my team lost. Haha. Sorry guys! Haha.

      Well, I think I got to go now. My stomach is just rumbling like crazy now because I didn't eat anything from this morning. Bye! Peace out!

      Tuesday, November 9, 2010

      Co-Ed - Something That Is Cheerful And Fresh (Mini Album)

      I finally found their album and I've put it here so that you can try to download it. As for my previous post which I've introduced them to all of you, I hope you'll have an interest to hear their songs. You can download it here by clicking the link below that I've already provided. Enjoy!

      I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do. Peace out....

      Monday, November 8, 2010

      New Korean Group - CO-ED SCHOOL

      Wow! I think it has been awhile since I've updated this blog. Okay, today I think I want to introduce to all of you to my newest favourite Korean group which is CO-ED. Actually there's a twist to this group because usually Korean group will only consists of people from the same gender but this group is a-mixed-gender-group. So because of that, I grew an interest on them. This group has 4 beautiful females and 6 males. So when you add it up, this group is actually a 10 member group!

      Despite being that many, I still think their group doesn't seem that much at all because when the girls are singing the boys usually dance at the back, making the guys to appear as though they are the backup dancers and for me I only see four people. But it doesn't stay that way too long because sometimes the guys still need to sing together with the girls. Haha. But still, they are very cool to watch and their songs are very catchy. Actually I've put some of their songs in my blog so that you can try to hear them.


      Soomi (수미)

      Name: Lee Soomi (이수미)
      Stage name: Smile/Miso Su-mi
      DOB: March 3, 1989
      Height: 168cm
      Weight: 47kg
      Education: Korean Aviation College, Aircraft Cabin Service Management
      Additional Info:
      Member of Seeya from October ‘09 to July ‘10

      Hyoyoung (효영)
      Name: Ryu Hyoyoung (류효영)
      Stage name: Shining/HanBit Hyo-young
      DOB: April 22, 1993
      Height: 167cm
      Weight: 52kg
      Education: Gwangju Soongil High School’
      Additional Info:
      Casted for ‘Jungle Fish 2’ as Jung Yumi
      Twin sister of T-Ara’s new Member, Ryu Hwayoung
      Appeared in ‘Starking’, Episode 166 (July 16, 2010)

      Hye Won (혜원)
      Name: Jin Hye Won (진혜원)
      Stage name: Big Star/HanByoul Hyewon
      DOB: March 6, 1995
      Height: 167cm
      Weight: 46kg
      Education: Jungheung Middle School
      Additional Info:
      Model for Gujejoa (Online Shop)
      Known as ‘Little Goo Hara’

      Chanmi (찬미)
      Name: Heo Chanmi (허찬미)
      Stage name: Starlight/Byul-bit Chan-Mi
      Real Name: Heo Chanmi
      DOB: April 6, 1992
      Height: 162cm
      Weight: 44kg
      Education: Anyang High School of Arts, Department of Theater and Film
      Additional Info:
      SM Trainee from 2004-2009. Was rumored to be in Girls’ Generation and f(x) before.


      Yoosung (유성)
      Name: Kim Jungwoo (김정우)
      Stage name: Universal/Chunji Yoo-Sung
      DOB: May 9, 1990
      Height: 181cm
      Weight: 62kg
      Education: Bucheon University, Advertisement Design (dropped out/left)

      Taewoon (태운)
      Stage name: Wise/Jihye Taewoon
      Real Name: Woo Taewoon
      DOB: May 11, 1990
      Height: 184cm
      Weight: 68kg

      Kangho (강호)
      Name: Park Yongsu (박용수)
      Stage name: Hot Blood/Yeol-hyeol Kang-ho
      Real Name: Park Yongsu
      DOB: December 14, 1991
      Height: 182cm
      Weight: 67kg

      Sungmin (성민)
      Name: Choi Sungmin (최성민)
      Stage name: Success/ Alchan Sung-min
      DOB: December 17, 1995
      Height: 172cm
      Weight: 49kg
      Additional Info:
      Appeared in ‘Starking’, Episode 180 (September 11, 2010)
      Last member to join the group

      Kwangheng (광행)
      Name: Lee Kwang Heng (이광행)
      Stage name: Bad Boy/Ak-dong Kwang-haeng
      DOB: January 20, 1990
      Height: 186cm
      Weight: 70kg
      Education: Baekseok Arts University (Leave of Absence) Additional Info:
      Appeared in ‘Coffee House’ Episode 14 and 15

      Noori (누리)
      Name: Kang Inho (강인오)
      Stage name: Rising Heat/Ga-on Nu-Ri
      DOB: March 3, 1993
      Height: 184cm
      Weight: 70kg

      I hope you like them! Peace out!