Sunday, January 6, 2013

Gave Another Go at Driving Lessons

Right this second, I have done a whole 6 hours of tiring and nerve wrecking driving lessons. I see no clear melioration towards my driving skills but I am making less mistakes than before. At least, it wasn't as bad as the second time I drove a car where I bumped onto poles, the car stuck on the road and almost rammed into another innocent car. You can't imagine the looks on my instructors'  faces when they saw me did that, with a grin on their jaws, hand pressing hard on their laps and the most scariest, meanest stare I have ever seen.

Just imagine being under an instructor whose face is seriously intimidating and a deep voice just waiting to explode when I make some silly unforgivable mistakes for a driver of hours of driving like me. Yesterday was a lucky day when it was my first time getting taught by a woman and she was very nice at giving advices along side with her knack at teaching people, it made my driving lesson went smoothly where there was not much mistakes that I made except for when I almost yet again hit a pole. She left me to drive alone in the car to go about with my own driving, going around the track making sure I turn at every curve smoothly and safely. 

It was not my first time being in a car alone. I remember toppling a couple of poles before the instructor rushed back in into the car and gave me a one by one step of what I should and should not do when I park and that was my first time driving by myself. Continuing with my awful driving I went onto the road which was with less mistakes along the way and I made it clear that I was not going to give up and be more cautious when it comes to advancing to the next step. One of the instructors said that I wasn't that bad at driving I was just too nervous and doesn't have patience when controlling the gear and clutch.

Tomorrow is going to be the day where I no longer make any mistake and get praised for the keenness of my driving skills. okay, I'm being too exaggerated. But it seems finally I get all things straight and face the instructor and tell him the truth at how bad I am at driving in order for them to give me more detailed advises and not something that even I cannot apprehend. That's all I want to say and wish me the best for tomorrow. 

Au revoir!

1 comment:

  1. There’s always a first time for everything. It’s normal to make mistakes and feel intimidated, scared, nervous, or whatever you want to call it. I’m sure that after more driving lessons, coupled with practice, you’ll soon be more confident behind the wheel. Relax and stay focused all the time.

    -Laine Cameron
